
To show differences between two files, you can use <MonacoDiffEditor> component.

Usage of <MonacoDiffEditor> is almost the same as <MonacoEditor>.

<MonacoDiffEditor original="Good Morning!" model-value="Good Evening" />

Get & Set values

  <MonacoDiffEditor :original="originalValue" v-model="modifiedValue" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
const originalValue = ref('Original Value')
const modifiedValue = ref('Modified Value')

v-model is for the modified value. Original value is read-only in monaco-editor.

Fallback Content


Children of <MonacoDiffEditor> will be shown until the editor is loaded.



  • Default: plaintext

A programming language for colorization, which will override the editor's option options.language.

Available languages are listed here.


  • Default: { automaticLayout: true }

Options passed to the second argument of monaco.editor.createDiffEditor. You can also change the options after the editor mounted.

Available options are listed here.


interface Emits {
  (event: 'update:modelValue', value: string): void
  (event: 'load', editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneDiffEditor): void


Emitted with an instance of IStandaloneDiffEditor when the editor is loaded

Ref of <MonacoDiffEditor>

You can access to the editor instanc by using ref and $editor.

  <MonacoDiffEditor ref="editorRef" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { MonacoEditor } from '#build/components'
const editorRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof MonacoDiffEditor>>()

// For example, add greeting action to editor...
  id: 'hello-world',
  label: 'Hello world',
  run: function (ed) {
    alert('Hello world!')